VanLoman excels in Chambers Europe 2025 rankings

We are pleased to announce our firm’s results in the Chambers Europe 2025 rankings where VANLOMAN Tax Lawyers secured a place in the rankings.

Update: Internet Consultation on Lucrative Interest Scheme Started Earlier Than Expected

On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, the Ministry of Finance launched the internet consultation on two possible alternatives to increase the tax burden on carried interest for Private Equity managers earlier than originally planned. This consultation was initially scheduled for the spring of 2025 but has now already commenced.

Basis for final taxation of 75% on severance payments may be expanded

Government Announces Update of Valuation Factors for Gift and Inheritance Tax

On February 5, 2025, State Secretary for Finance, Mr. Van Oostenbruggen, sent a letter to the Dutch House of Representatives regarding the update of valuation factors (rekenforfaits) used in gift and inheritance tax.

Private Client Tax Netherlands 2025

We are proud to announce that Joël Demmer, Sharon van Vuren and Joris Bouma of VanLoman Tax Lawyers have contributed to the latest edition of Lexology Panoramic – Private Client Netherlands.

Welcome at VanLoman.

We provide full service tax advice to national and international companies and (wealthy) individuals. Our services include tax advice (corporate tax, income tax, indirect tax and wage tax), mergers & acquisitions, international transactions and structures, employee participations, tax compliance, transfer pricing, investment funds and our litigation practice.

You can contact VanLoman for tax advice in the Netherlands and abroad. Fast, efficiently and tailor-made.

For tax solutions and services, feel free to contact us directly at +31 (0)20 760 4500

Corporate income tax

Corporate income tax is a profit tax that is levied from legal entities that have their registered office in the Netherlands or that are incorporated under Dutch law.

Mergers and acquisitions

VanLoman track record: 60 successful M&A transactions in 2024, and a splendid collaboration with private equity funds, law firms and corporate finance parties.

Indirect Taxes

What does the current trend of a shift from direct taxes to indirect taxes mean for your company?

Employee participations

In the war-on-talent, just offering a good salary is no longer enough. An employee participation program can help further incentivise employees.