VanLoman’s compliance specialists are in close contact with tax advisers, enabling us to ensure that our advice will, in the end, be translated correctly in the tax returns.

We always use the “four-eyes principle” when preparing and filing returns. We offer compliance services for all taxes that a company or a natural person may come across in the Netherlands, including:

  • Corporate income tax
  • Individual income tax
  • Wage withholding tax
  • Payroll administration
  • VAT returns
  • Dividend withholding tax
  • CbC notifications
  • CRS reporting
  • MOSS returns (Mini One Stop Shop) for digital services within the EU
  • OSS returns (One Stop Shop) for supplies of services and goods to private individuals within the EU
  • I-OSS (Import One Stop Shop) returns for import deliveries by or on behalf of platforms.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me on 06 2787 0332.