Tax plays an important role in mergers and acquisitions. Often, tax drives the acquisition structuring. VanLoman has the expertise to advise and potentially optimise the tax aspects of the entire transaction process. This starts with the initial negotiations on the transaction structure, followed by a tax due diligence and the negotiations of the tax clauses in the transaction documentation as the concluding part. But also the structuring of a management participation plan or the post transaction integration of business falls within our scope of expertise.

Providing solid tax advice requires a combination of broad experience in doing transaction work in combination with in depth knowledge of the relevant tax laws such as corporate income tax, VAT and wage tax. At the beginning of a transaction, VanLoman forms a team that has the relevant expertise. This ensures the best end result.

The partners at VanLoman that advise on mergers and acquisitions have gained extensive experience at reputable law firms and tax advisory firms. This experience is brought together in transaction teams in which the partners at VanLoman have direct involvement.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me on +31 (0)6 5121 9669.